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italian herb mix pic


Italian Herb Mix

Ingredients Directions

4 tbsp dried basil
4 tbsp dried oregano
4 tbsp dried marjoram
4 tbsp dried thyme
4 tbsp dried savory
2 tbsp dried rosemary
2 tbsp garlic powder

Great as a rub on chicken

Mix a tbsp in while making bread or rolls

Mix with melted butter to spread on bread or rolls

Add 2 tsp of the mix to 1/4 cup of olive oil and 3 tbsp of vinegar, (any type) or lemon juice to make a dressing for salads, subs, tomatoes, potatoes, cucumbers, or vegetables.

Mix with sour cream and yogurt to make a dip or dressing. Great for potato salad, tomatoes or cucumber and onion. Try this as a baked potato topping!.

Great blend for any tomato sauce.


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